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Common Causes of Shin Splints

Living an active lifestyle has many health benefits, however it can also increase the risks of developing certain conditions, one of which is shin splints. This condition can cause pain to develop and the pain may grow so intense that you may be forced to stop performing some activities. This article will examine more about shin splints such as what they are and some common causes for shin splints. 

Before we can look at some common causes of shin splints, we need to first examine why this condition occurs. Shin splints often cause people to experience leg pain between the ankle and knee, depending on the activity they are performing the pain can become very intense. Shin splints usually develop after an injury to the leg, most commonly a bone fracture. When people don’t rest long enough for the bones to heal and start performing physically demanding activities such as playing sports, the muscles start to swell. This swelling causes pressure on the bone, which can lead to pain, inflammation or possibly stress fractures. Additionally, placing strain on muscles can lead to slight tearing of the muscles, which may also result in shin splints developing.  Now that we know a little more about why shin splints occur, we can examine some of the most common reasons people develop this condition. 

By knowing some common causes of shin splints, we can find some ways of preventing them from occurring. One of the most common causes of shin splints, as mentioned previously, is exercising when bones haven’t had time to heal adequately. However, there are some other ways that shin splints can occur. A combination of; exercising too often or pushing your body too hard, having incorrect technique, engaging in high impact physical activities and having low-quality running shoes may cause shin splints to develop. These factors mean that shin splints are entirely preventable and can usually be treated by resting the muscles for two weeks. Ice packs are often an effective pain remedy. Additionally, physical therapists can help reduce pain and teach correct stretching procedures to help prevent future shin splints. However, for more serious shin splint injuries, surgery may be required. To decide which treatment option is best for you it is recommended that you visit your local doctor. If you are in the Texas area, you should contact Texas Pain and Regenerative Medicine to book an appointment with one of our doctors. 

This article has discussed shin splints. First, we looked at what causes shin splints to develop. Then, we looked at some common causes of shin splints and some effective ways of treating this condition. Hopefully, you now know a little more about how shin splints occur, as well as how simple measures like stretching can help prevent you from developing shin splints. However, if you are experiencing leg pain it is always best to contact your doctor, so they can recommend the best pain remedy for your condition. For residents in the Texas area, one of the best doctors to visit is Texas Pain and Regenerative Medicine. 

Texas Pain and Regenerative Medicine

4660 sweetwater blvd
Suite 270
Sugar Land tx 77479

Phone: (832) 486-9346



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Dr. Samir Fahed

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