Sciatica Specialist

Texas Pain And Regenerative Medicine
Samir Fahed, MD
Pain Management & Alternative Medicine located in Houston, TX
Sciatica leads to pain, tingling, and numbness that extends from your lower back all the way down to your heel. If you suffer from sciatica, board-certified pain management specialist Samir Fahed, MD, provides advanced treatment solutions at Texas Pain and Regenerative Medicine in Sugar Land and Dickinson, Texas. Click the online scheduling tool to book your sciatica evaluation or call either clinic to book over the phone.
Sciatica Q & A
Why do I have sciatica?
Your sciatic nerve is the thickest and longest nerve in your body, extending from your lower back to your feet. If your sciatic nerve becomes pinched, damaged, or inflamed, you may develop a painful condition known as sciatica.
If you have sciatica, it may be related to:
- Spinal stenosis
- Being overweight or obese
- Arthritic deterioration, including osteoarthritis
- Injury or trauma, as with a motor vehicle crash
- Medical conditions, including diabetes or tumors
Pregnant women also regularly struggle with sciatica due to weight gain and added strain on their lower backs.
What are the symptoms of sciatica?
Severe leg and lower back pain are telltale signs of sciatica. You may find that the pain begins deep in your lower back and spreads to one side. This pain often shoots down one buttock and travels down the back of your leg. Depending on the cause of your sciatica, you might also experience:
- Numbness
- Tingling
- Burning
- Foot pain
- Leg weakness
- Difficulty moving your foot or bending your knee
Sciatica can become so severe, you find it unbearably painful to stand or walk. Chances are, your discomfort worsens when you laugh, sneeze, cough, or bend backward.
In any case, if you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, contact Texas Pain and Regenerative Medicine for an evaluation.
How does a doctor treat sciatica?
At Texas Pain and Regenerative Medicine, Dr. Fahed carefully examines you and talks with you about your symptoms. He may have you perform simple movements to assess your muscle strength, joint motion, and joint stability. Dr. Fahed also tests your reflexes and nerve sensations to determine which types of labs or screenings you may need.
Once Dr. Fahed confirms that you have sciatica, he talks with you about treatment options. Your sciatica management plan may include:
- Interlaminar or transforaminal epidural steroid injections
- Intradiscal platelet-rich plasma (PRP)
- Stretching and strengthening exercises
- Weight-loss planning
- Pain-relieving medications
- Stem cell therapy
If you don’t respond to conservative treatments, Dr. Fahed could recommend surgery. Usually, surgery is only necessary if you have a compression issue that’s causing your sciatica and needs to be corrected.
With the help of Texas Pain and Regenerative Medicine, you won’t have to suffer from sciatica another day. Find out more by booking an evaluation online or by phone at either location today.